Interceptive Orthodontic treatments are usually 'early' treatments performed in young children between the ages of 7 and 10. These treatments are necessary on young growing children in order to correct a poorly developing pattern. This is the reason that the American Association of Orthodontics recommends that any child at the age of 7 should have an Orthodontic assessment if any pathologic sign is detected.
A poorly developing pattern might be related with the growth of the jaws or with important crowding in mixed dentition or even related with a harmful oral habit. It is better to prevent a problem developing fully rather than try to treat it later if possible.
The purpose of early interceptive orthodontic treatments is to assist us to control and treat a poorly developing pattern as early as it is detected, minimising the future need of more complex treatments. More importantly it provides the ideal conditions for the teeth, jaws and face to growth normally.
With the interceptive treatments we can prevent future skeletal and face asymmetries developing, we can reduce the risk of dental trauma on protruding anterior teeth, and assist the jaws to achieve the full potential of their growth.
At Star orthodontics we have many years experience in detecting early warning signs of poorly developing patterns and helped a lot of young patients with minor treatments, avoiding complex treatments in the future.
Please contact us to arrange a consultation and see how our advice and treatment approaches can help young patients develop well orientated jaws and healthy bone and teeth relationships.